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Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Hey guys so as many of you know I am currently an undergrad student at Bridgewater State University, and what is going on this week is something called social media week.  Today's topic is actually Technology and how it plays in to relationships.  Technology is extremely important in our day in age as word travels extremely quickly through it.  If we look at something such as facebook, we see that it's no longer probable to ever be wondering what that coworker was doing on Friday night.  Every time you update that profile whether it be a status update or a new picture, it is up there for the world to see.  This can sometimes hurt people as they do not think really about what they post or what pictures are ending up on their page.  Facebook is also a big part of the hiring process for most jobs in the U.S.  Next time you think about posting that picture of  you "ripping the bong"  or "going vertical" on a handle of vodka just think about who could possibly see it and if they would approve, because it doesn't really matter how good you look and sound going in to that interview when they can pull out the pictures from your facebook showing you participating in illegal activities. 

Another thing that technology plays in to is personal relationships such as with your girlfriend or boyfriend.  Before the "facebook generation" people were not really as uptight about there relationships as they are now, nor were people as informed about who is dating who.  This tends to be a problem when people start to get what I like to call "facebook craze" this is when they scour facebook just to learn about how the relationships are of people that they rarely talk to or just met.  When people get this craze it usually turns in to a hardcore game of creeping, and as we all know creeping is never a good thing.  Well that is all I have to say today, and just remember be careful... this isn't Myspace anymore.

1 comment:

  1. I like this post I am checking in from the BSU Blogfest... I totally agree with you…
