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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Skaters disrespecting priest *Warning this article and video are rated Mature, Please be advised*

Hey guys so my article today is about something that really pisses me off and should be addressed immediately.  This problem is disrespectful kids, and it is swarming through youtube like a bat out of hell.  In the video above there is about 40 kids skateboarding on church grounds, and when the priest comes out and asks them to leave they refuse and start yelling.  This turns in to a shouting match between the 40 kids and the one 70-year-old priest.  There are words being flung around such as "f&#@ing c@#t," or "you f@!$ing racist pr#$k"  and this is the part that really gets me angry, not only are they being disrespectful but they are pretty much being pussies too.  Not only is there 40 of them attacking the 70 year-old-priest, but they are attacking him after trespassing on his property and refusing to leave.  Now I have seen many of these types of videos that these skaters have put up on youtube with titles like "dumbass cop attacks teen" and things of that nature and I always wonder do these kids think that they are right?  I know I'm not one to judge, wait of course I am I'm writing a blog, these kid's should honestly be lynched.  The parents of these kids should feel considerably bad, as they are officially the world's shittiest parents.  Honestly did they ever teach their kids right from wrong or did they miss that issue of parenting weekly?  Or how about the respect factor, if these were my kids I would kick the shit out of them.  If one of my kids came home and showed me a video of how a "dumbass cop hit him," I would ask him if he learned anything and if he said no then I would beat his ass.  If you watch these videos you will find that 9 times out of 10 the kids deserved it.  Well that's enough of my rant. (I need to stop before I pop anymore blood vessels in my head for being so pissed off)  Have a good day everyone and remember I don't condone violence... unless its against these disrespectful kids.

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